Pemiscot County, MOGenWeb

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Tombstone Inscriptions
Braggadocio Baptist
County Poor Farm
Dry Bayou
East Woodlawn
Eastwood Methodist
Ingram Ridge
Little Prairie
Memorial Gardens
Mitchell's #8
Morgan Ridge
Mt. Zion
Oak Grove
Pemiscot Memorial Gardens
Samford at Channell
Samford Church of Christ
Wardell Memorial


Abandoned Cemeteries

Submitted by Charlotte Winstead. 

BONE CAMP (T18,R10,S31) Highway 84, W of Hayti, near Bakerville.

BIGGS (T17,R10E,S36) AT Samford, Highway Z, SW of Braggadocio. Just E of DALLAS and JONES. Two graves, M&M Biggs, on Lynn Farm.

CARUTHERSVILLE OLD CITY (T18N,R13,S17) NW side of Caruthersville, between Bushy and Eastwood Streets. Some of the stones had birth dates in the 1700s.

CARUTHERSVILLE’S OLDEST SITES One just east of where the First State Bank is now and one on the present site of the MFA Grain Terminal, Ward Avenue. An cast iron vault was unearthed at the
Terminal site in the 1930s but no information about it was ever found.

CLARK (T18,R11E,S32) N of Micola, between Interstate 55 and Highway Z, Robert Ledbetter home. 20 stones under a tree, unreadable.

COUNTY POOR FARM #2 (T18,R11E,S10) Highway Z, N of Braggadocio, between Highway J and 84. Rankin Farm. Estimated to have held 50 graves.

DALLAS (T17,R10,S36) At Samford, E of Gobler, between Highway C and the Dunklin County line. Same location as BIGGS and JONES. One identified grave, Mr. Dallas, two others.

GARRETT (T18N,R11E,S28) Highway J, W of Braggadocio, S of Deering. One identified grave, Clarissa Cobb d/o James and Amanda, June 12,1932-May,1933. Several others.

HUFFMAN (T18N,R12E,S36) Highway D, SW of Caruthersville, near Canady. Very old, washed into the Mississippi River following the 1811-12 New Madrid Fault earthquake.

JONES AT CONCORD (T19N,R13E,S35) Highway BB, on the banks of the river, E of Swift. Several graves, plowed over.

JONES AT SAMFORD (T17N,R10E,S36) At Samford, E of Gobler, between Highway C and the Dunklin County line. Same location as DALLAS and BIGGS.

KING (T17N,R11E,S29) At Denton, Highway 164, W of Steele, NW of Holland. Across from church, two graves, M&M King.

MARSH (T20N,R13E,S2) Highway T, N of Stewart, near New Madrid County line. On site of AGRI building. A few broken stones, none readable, on grassy spot.

McFARLAND (T19N,R12E,S35) Highways 84 and Z, W of Hayti, S of Pascola. John Franklin Farm. When transcribers arrived to document this site, a metal grain bin had fallen on the graves.

NORRIS (T20N,R13E,S10) Highway T, E of DeLisle, near New Madrid County line, SW of MARSH,Kohn Farm. When transcribers arrived to document this site, the stones had just been loaded up and hauled away.

SACRED HEART (T18,R13,S21) Within city limits, E side of Caruthersville. Estimated to have held 50+ graves. A basement being dug unearthed the body and stone of a 4-year-old child. Both covered up, building resumed. 

Cemeteries of Pemiscot, Missouri





MOGenWeb: State Coordinator: Mel Owings ~ Asst State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
Page Updated: 14 March 2025