Pemiscot County, MOGenWeb

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Military Records for Pemiscot, Missouri



Military Records...

Civil War Soldiers of Pemiscot
1st Inf. Co. D
1st Inf. Co. F
Pension Records
Provost Marshall Records
Revolutionary War
Military Links


Military Records for Pemiscot

To the left you will find links to the Civil War rosters and other additional information. If you have ancestors in Pemiscot that served in regiments other than Pemiscot Regiments, please let me know. I will place their names on the Misc. Regiments page with your email address attached.

Note:Until Pemiscot is adopted, please do not send any information. Once a new CC is in place, links will be added.March 2025

 If you have Historical or Civil War pension records you would like to add, please let me know. I will add those records to the site.

If you have information on a specific soldier: his picture, biographical information, etc., you may send that to me and I will add a new page for your "Soldier. "
I have looked all over for records of Civil War units that mustered in Pemiscot County or had the majority of the soldiers from Pemiscot County, with no luck. PLEASE help me out, so I can post that information here!


MOGenWeb: State Coordinator: Mel Owings ~ Asst State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
Page Updated: 15 March 2025