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1904 Pemiscot
1918 Car. High School
1921 Car. Football Team
1922 Haiti School
Caruthersville Schools
History of Cooter
Cooter Poem
Pemiscot Ferry


Cooter Poem

A Poem About My Home Town

Written in about 1920 by Cooter resident Betty Combs

This little burg Cooter, the best town of all
We can’t help but like it, although it is small
We have no intention, of trying to boast
But we wish to be noticed, whatever the cost

You may think if you judge, by the name of the town
That the people do nothing, but “Kutter” around
But pay us a visit, and find your mistake
We are wise and industrious, and stay wide awake

I will mention a few, of the leaders by name
As well as their business, which seldom grows lame
Thoughts of the Post Office, in my coconut dwell
And worthy of mention, ‘tis managed so well

By kind Mrs. Chambers, so clever and sweet
Assisted by husband, makes the business complete
Far on down the street, and on the same side
Is the place for a shave, a week under the hide

The prices are right, and the work is well done
Charley Ray is the barber, that pleases each one
He will shingle and shave you, with the greatest of ease
Sell you popcorn and peanuts, you’re sure to be pleased

Clarence Gilliland’s theater, next door to his shop
If you seek entertainment, ’tis a fine place to stop
On Wednesday and Saturday, the movies are grand
And the finest of music, is always at hand

And then Brother Copeland, is next door in the row
His groceries are fine, and his prices are low
He is honest and upright, in friendship not slack
He will treat you so clever, you’re sure to come back

The next in the line, is Sid Chandler’s shoe shop
If your old shoes are shabby, ‘twill pay you to stop
And see for yourself, what Chandler can do
If you bring him the fragments, he will make it a shoe

Quince Wagster comes next, oh pause at his door
And take a peek in, I ask you no more
I’m sure you will enter, and when you’re once in
You’ll not come out, hungry or thirsty I ween

Well, now here we are, at Jim Chandler’s place
If you think your old clothes, are so bad they disgrace Jim will clean dye and press them, and make them look nice
Or else order a new suit, at a reasonable price

But right here I’m stalled, though not near given out We have come to a place, I know nothing about You can not blame me, that I’ve never been in For this is a pool room, intended for men

But in the opinion, by which I am ruled
Wash Wright is a gentleman, or else I am fooled
And now we have come, to the big grocery store
Kept by Squire James F. Hinson, a friend to the poor

He’s obliging and witty, and far from a fool
And has a heart in him, as big as a mule
He doesn’t get excited, or go in a rush
Like the boy and the berries, he sticks to his bush

Oh! now come next door, and what have we here?
Another fine grocer, by no means in the rear
Squire Burns is a gentleman, worthy of note
If he ran for an office, he would get the whole vote

Next is a fine barber, with razor and pan
Both talking and shaving, as fast as he can
Tom McDaniel can shave you, so easy and smooth
And his little son Willard, can shine up your shoes

After getting your shave, just call in next door
And look at the groceries, and dry goods galore
Walter Holly and his clerks, will show them to you
If you find what you want, a trade will ensue

But if they don’t have it, don’t tune up and cry
Come on down the street, to the Cooter Supply
Where I feel that you’ll find it, unless it is rare
Charley Travis and his clerks, are all on the square

Now look in the Bank, when you get through the crowd And see the good couple, of whom we are proud Perly Payne and his lady wife, obliging and kind You will be glad to know them, please bear this in mind

Well now we are done, on this side of the street
So we will cross over, and see whom we will meet
E.M. Johnson most gladly, will welcome you in
With his bright shining face, your friendship to win

He will sell you some groceries, don’t think that he won’t If there’s something you need, you’re a fool if he don’t Now if you’re too hot, or too fresh I do hope You just step next door, and call on Will Polk

He will sympathize with you, and treat you real nice And to keep you from spoiling, he will sell you some ice But if you’re just hungry, he will sell you fresh meat As fine and delicious, as you ever did eat

The next place is the last, but not the least understand Cooper’s Pharmacy has all kinds, of medicines at hand For human and beast, rats flies bugs and fleas And two good Doctor Coopers, to locate disease

And to give you prescriptions, instructions and hope Two intelligent drug clerks, is issue the “dope” Sam Wagster and Paul Cooper are nice and polite They will fill your prescriptions, be you black or white

There now my dear readers, I haven’t a doubt
If I had any welcome at first, it’s worn out
But I hope you’ll forgive, if you think I’ve done wrong So God speed you, au revior, goodby, and so long


Towns And Schools of Pemiscot, Mo.




MOGenWeb: State Coordinator: Mel Owings ~ Asst State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
Page Updated: 15 March 2025