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Gayoso Democrat Abstracts

Submitted by Carolyn.
November 6, 1891
Societies A. F. & A. M.

The stated communications of Caruthersville Lodge No. 461 are held at Caruthersville on Saturdays on or before each full moon. Visiting brethren are invited to attend. S. H. Steele, W. M., Hina C. Schutt, Sec’y.

Cecil Lodge No. 454 meets at the hall at 7 o’clock p.m. in Cottonwood Point on the Saturday on or before each full moon. Q. A. Tipton W. M., Joe Brasher, Sec’y.

Edward DeLisle, of Portageville, was in our town a couple of days last week.

Mr. Vesey is having a fine lot of oak logs hauled to his mill site on the Collet farm.

Land on Ingram’s ridge is in demand. So much for the prospects of a railroad.

Mr. W. D. Schutt went to Hayward and Stancil’s Bridge on Tuesday, on professional business, and returned yesterday.

On Sunday the 22d inst., at 11 o’clock A. M., Rev. A. T. Osbron will peach the funeral of the late John W. Warden, at the church in Gayoso.

Messrs Horton & Richard are about though with their contract with the Gray Lumber Company. We hope they can get another job, and keep their unit where it is. They are very popular saw mill men.

Mr. Hina C. Schutt has been appointed deputy county collector by John T. Averill and will attend to the collection of state and county taxes from taxpayers, who call upon him at the courthouse in Gayoso, in the absence of Mr. Averill. 

Major James F. Brooks, chief engineer on the Pemiscot County pays a moving tribute to Dr. S. H. Steele, of Caruthersville. About three weeks ago, Major Brooks was confined to his room at Mrs. Bruce’s with chills and fever. He called in Dr. Steele. Major Brooks says, "Dr. Steele as a doctor, is a daisy. He knows how to handle ’malaria’ and kindred ills of the human body. The doctor was very kind to me." Major Brooks will soon be in the county again.

Other names mentioned in ads, articles about county business, and articles about the people in the county:

H. P. Byars, Physician, Caruthersville;

J. R. Brewer, Attorney-at-Law;

G. W. Sanders, Proprietor, Sanders House;

C. P. Wells and E. C. Rankin, dealers in Groceries and Dry Goods;

County Court officials: S. H. Steele, Presiding Justice, H. P. Wilks, Prosecuting Attorney, H. P. Coleman, Clerk, and J. T. Averill, Sheriff; J. H. N. Thompson and E. I. D (illegible), Associate Judge;

Geo. W. Carleton, Pres., and John A. Cunningham, Sec’y, of the stockholders meeting of the Pemiscot County Male and Female Academy in Caruthersville;

John. T. Averill, state and county tax collector.

John Treseneiter was selling land.

Mr. Karschner was moving his lumber mill to KY. 

Louis Houck posted a notice about trespassers. 
November 13, 1891

A. F. & A. M. See notices in November 6th issue for full announcements.
Caruthersville Lodge #No. 461, S. H. Steele, W. M., Hina, C. Schutt, Sec’y.
Cecil Lodge No. 454, Cottonwood Point, Q. A. Tipton W. M., Joe Brasher, Sec’y.

I. O. O. F.

Justice Lodge, No. 399, meets on the first and third Saturday of each month at their hall in Gayoso. Traveling brethren are respectfully invited to attend. John T. Averill, N. G., J. F. Gordon, Sec’y.


J. A. Hodge G. W. Tate
Hodge and Tate, Physicians and Surgeons
Respectfully solicit a share of patronage. 
Will respond promptly to calls day and night.

Also placing an ad in the Professional column.
H. R. Brewer, Attorney-At-Law, Gayoso, MO.
H. T. Byars, Physician and Surgeon, Caruthersville, MO.

Mr. W. D. Shult, paid New Madrid a visit this week.

Col. F. D. Roberts attended Probate court this week.

Mr. Joseph Cresap has sold his town property to Mr. Edward DeLisle.

Miss Emma Brown, of Cape Girardeau, visited friends in Gayoso this week.

Maj. Geo W. Carleton made a business trip to the lower-end of the county this week.

The Karshner mill having finished up the Gray timber is now sawing oak timber for Mr. Veasey

Doc. Fullerton, Joseph Cresap and James Conrau?, commercial tourists, were among the visitors this week.

Mr. John Cotton, an old and respected citizen of this county, died very suddenly at his home in Caruthersville on Wednesday.

D. W. Karshner & Co. have finished their job sawing lumber here. Mr. Kashner will soon remove his mill to Madrid bend in Kentucky.

DIED - On Thursday the 5th inst., at her home west of Caruthersville, Mrs. Carrie Powell, the wife of T. Cole Powell, passed away. She had been confined to her room and bed for several weeks with malarial fever, which baffled the skill of her physician. The remains were interred at the cemetery, near Caruthersville last Friday, mourned by her mother, husband and little children, and sympathizing friends and neighbors.

Miss Katie Kopp, of New Madrid, came down on the steamer Chrokee last Monday, and assisted the Catholic ladies of Caruthersville with their fair. The ladies realized the sum of two hundred and forty dollars from their fair. This, together with the money they have on hand, will enable them to commence the building of their church at an early date. 

Miss Frances Lesieur, of Point Pleasant, came down on the steamer Lady Lee last Saturday. Miss Frances was the guest of Mrs. Ida Hargis while in Gayoso. 

Mr. J. T. Tiserand, the popular young merchant of Braggadocio, was married to Miss Mary F. Clinton, at Cooter, last Wednesday. The DEMOCRAT extends congratulations. 

Major Brooks who returned to Cape Girardeau from Caruthersville, sick, about two weeks ago, is about again, and started to Kennett on the 6th inst; and will be in Kennett on the 6th inst., and will be in Pemiscot county in a short time. 

Other notes of county business:
Probate court held last Monday and Tuesday, Hon. Stephen H. Steele presiding.
Mr. J. E. Franklin, of Jackson, MO., secretary of the Southeast Missouri Investment Company, visited our county this week for the purpose of trying to organizing a bank somewhere in the county. Caruthersville was selected.
Stray Notice was posted before David H. Culp, Justice of the Peace in Braggadocio Township on August 26th, 1891, on one bay Texas mare, by Lee Sprayberry.
Mr. Hugh O’Donnell, representing Hill, Fontaine & Co., was around interviewing our cotton merchants during the week.
Gayoso Democrat November 20, 1891
A. F. & A. M. See notices for November 6th for full announcements.
Caruthersville Lodge #No. 461, S. H. Steele, W. M., Hina, C. Schutt, Sec’y.
Cecil Lodge No. 454, Cottonwood Point, Q. A. Tipton W. M., Joe Brasher, Sec’y.

I. O. O. F.
Justice Lodge, No. 399, Gayoso. John T. Averill, N. G.; J. F. Gordon, Sec’y.
See notices for November 13th for full announcement.

J. A. Hodge and G. W. Tate, Physicians and Surgeons, Gayoso, MO.
H. R. Brewer, Attorney-At-Law, Gayoso, MO.
H. T. Byars, Physician and Surgeon, Caruthersville, MO.

The Karshner mill is cutting oak timber for Mr. Vesey.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend the dance tonight at Dorris’ hall.

Mr. James DeLisle, accompanied by Miss Francis Lesieur, went to Point Pleasant last Sunday.

Prof. J. R. Brewer went to Coutre and Cottonwood Point on professional business.

Mrs. Emma Madden has sold all her household and kitchen furniture, and will go hence without day

Mr. H. C. Schult went down to Caruthersville last Monday on business connected with the new bank.

The funeral of the late John N. Warden will be preached at the church in Gayoso, next Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M.

Mr. Morris is pushing the finny tribe into Memphis. He has made several good hauls from his Big lake fishery lately.

Miss Georgia Garrett was on a visit to Gayoso last Friday and Saturday. She was the guest of Mrs. Georgia Carleton.

We understand that Mr. John W. Green, of Virginia township, contemplates moving to Gayoso and making this his home after the 1st of January.

Misses Sala Alvey and Lora Mitchell, of Caruthersville, have been the guests of Mrs. H. C. Schult for the past few days.

Mr. John Tipton, of Cottonwood Point, called to see us yesterday. Mr. Tipton is looking after a good location for his saw mill.

Miss Katie Kopp left last Wednesday night for her home in New Madrid. Miss Katie has been visiting friends in Caruthersville and Gayoso. While in Gayoso she was the guest of Mrs. H. C. Schult.

Mrs. Ida Hargis went up on the steamer Ferd. Herald last Wednesday night. Mrs. Hargis’ destination is (Illegible), Kansas. She intends to make Kansas her home for several years with her sister Mrs. Anna Oliver.

Last Wednesday morning the thermometer registered twenty degrees above zero. Several ladies about town who neglected to care for their plants lost them. Mrs. Georgia W. Carleton’s are still green, not a plant damaged.

Mr. Jonah DeLisle went up on the steamet Ferd. Herald last Wednesday night. Jonah will no longer taker shelter under a gourd vine. He puts himself under the tutelage of

The mansion house and the farm of Mrs. Emma Stancil, in Butler township, in which Mrs. Wilson Thompson resided, was destroyed by fire last Monday, about noon. But very little that was in the house was saved. The loss falls hard on Mrs. Stancil, and Mr. Thompson. The building was a neat two story residence erected by Dr. John P. Stancil about the year 1873.

Other names mentioned in ads, articles about county business, and notes about the county people:

John T. Averill, Collector of Pemiscot county, MO, gave notice to taxpayers. He states the dates he will be in their township to collect taxes for the current year of 1891.

Louis Houck posted a notice to trespassers.

Stray Notice was posted before David H. Culp, Justice of the Peace in Braggadocio Township on August 26th, 1891, on one bay Texas mare, by Lee Sprayberry.

Geo. W. Carleton states that he charges a fee for his knowledge about land in this county.

C. D. Teesenwater has 2343 acres of land for sale cheap. Call on Major Geo. W. Carleton for further information.

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MOGenWeb: State Coordinator: Mel Owings ~ Asst State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
Page Updated: 15 March 2025